Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Adults and Children, Hands-On Workshop


This is one day pre-course taking place on Saturday 12 October at the Congress center in Copenhaguen. The morning session is dedicated to PSA peadiatrics from 8:30 – 12:30 CEST and the afternoon session from 13:30 – 17:45 to PSA in adults..

For who

Emergency physicians and Paediatric Emergency physicians

Morning session

PSA Peadiatrics from 8:30 to 12:30 CEST


This half-a-day, hands-on workshop empowers physicians with practical knowledge for ensuring safe sedation practices in pediatric emergency settings. The workshop places a strong emphasis on furnishing physicians with effective strategies to identify and manage sedation-related adverse events.


The workshop consists of simulation scenarios. The simulation training is divided into three segments, which include two scenarios employing high-fidelity patient simulators and one scenario featuring a human patient simulator (actress). Before the course, participants will have a 3-hour interactive ZOOM discussion covering acute paediatric pain and distress, pharmacology, strategies to prevent and identify sedation adverse events, and intervention techniques. This session follows a formal tutorial format.


  • Prof Itai Shavit, IL (Course-Director)
  • Dr Oren Feldman, IL
  • Dr Ron Jacob, IL
  • Dr Nitai Levy, IL


The evaluation form will include general questions applicable to all pre-courses/educational live events. Also event/course specific questions can be asked if needed.

Educational Material

To be handed over onsite at the course: Before the ZOOM meeting, the students will be provided with articles on common pharmacology practices for pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia in the Emergency Department.


The costs for this course are
€ 220 for physicians
€ 150 for nurses, paramedics, trainees and students

Please register through your MyEUSEM account by clicking on the EUSEM Congress registration button. From the Pre-courses tab you can select the pre-courses you would like to join.


Afternoon session

PSA in Adults


The main focus of this course is to instruct participants on how to ensure up to date knowledge and skills to safely administer Procedural Sedation & Analgesia in the Emergency Department to adults.


  • To learn and practice a systematic approach towards a patient in need of PSA.
  • To establish familiarity with different pharmacological agents and non-pharmacological techniques used in PSA.
  • To gain the skillset to treat possible complications.
  • To review and solidify in practice different CRM principals involved in PSA.
  • To ensure knowledge of up to date guidelines regarding PSA, including recognition of limitations.


OVERVIEW Brief description of course format and/or content:

Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) is widely administered by emergency physicians, in order to perform painful or uncomfortable procedures in the Emergency department.
PSA is significant associated with complications and must be seen as a high risk procedure. Due to the inherent risks, it is important that doctors are aware of and follow available national, international and local guidelines.
Furthermore it is crucial that adequate training should be followed to ensure the knowledge and skills to safely administer PSA and to treat possible complications.
With this course, we will give the participants an overview of existing national and international guidelines, show them how to prepare the patient and the environment to perform safe PSA on the Accident and Emergency department and how to avoid and treat the most common complications related to PSA. The course contains an e-learning and a book, both of which will be available as study material before the course.
After introduction to the different topics we will actively discuss these in tabletops and spend all morning hands-on doing patient simulations training.


Confirmed faculty so far:

  • Name(s): Dr. Lieke van de Voort (Course Director)
  • Dr. Douwe Rijpsma, The Netherlands.
  • Dr. Ruth Sneep, United Kingdom
  • Dr. Christian Heringhaus, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Roy Welsing, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Vanessa Valk, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Daniele van Winden, The Netherlands
TimeLecture/SimulationLecturer/ Instructor
08:30 – 08:45Registration
08:45 – 09:15An explanation of how training in the simulation scenarios is performed
09:15 – 10:00Simulation Scenario 1 – Sedation for fracture reduction (Gaumard manikin) / Debriefing
10:00 – 10:45Simulation Scenario 2 – Sedation for a CT scan (Gaumard manikin) / Debriefing
10:45 – 11:15Coffee break
11:00 – 11:15Q&A
11:15 – 12:15Simulation session 3:
Sedation in a teenager with PDD (actress) / Debriefing
12:15 – 12:30Course Summary
13.15 – 13.30Welcome & registration
13.30 – 13.45Introduction to the course
13.45 – 14.30Tabletop full sedation planning: Risk assessment, pre-sedation screening, monitoring and medication
14.30 – 14.45 Demonstration simulation
14.45 – 15.15 Sedation workshop
15.15 – 15.45Coffee break
15.45 – 17.15 Sedation workshops
17.15 – 17.45 Quiz and round up
TimeLecture / Simulation
09:00 –09:45Lecture: Acute pain and distress in children 
09:45 –10:00Interactive session: Video-based demonstrations 
10:00 –10:30Cofee break 
10:30 –11:00Lecture: Key principles for safe sedation in the paediatric ED 
11:00 –12:00Lecture: Pharmacology of sedative agents commonly used in the ED 
12:00 –13:00Lunch break 
13:00 –15:00Simulation sessions 
Groups alternateScenario 1 – Sedation for fracture reduction (Baby Hal manikin, Gaumard) / Video Debriefing
Scenario 2 – Sedation for a CT scan (Pediatric Hal manikin, Gaumard) / Video Debriefing
Scenario 3 – Sedation for laceration repair in a child with PDD (human patient simulator, actress) / Video Debriefing
15:00 –15:30Course summary 
TimeLecture / Simulation
09:00 –09:45Lecture: Acute pain and distress in children 
09:45 –10:00Interactive session: Video-based demonstrations 
10:00 –10:30Cofee break 
10:30 –11:00Lecture: Key principles for safe sedation in the paediatric ED 
11:00 –12:00Lecture: Pharmacology of sedative agents commonly used in the ED 
12:00 –13:00Lunch break 
13:00 –15:00Simulation sessions 
Groups alternateScenario 1 – Sedation for fracture reduction (Baby Hal manikin, Gaumard) / Video Debriefing
Scenario 2 – Sedation for a CT scan (Pediatric Hal manikin, Gaumard) / Video Debriefing
Scenario 3 – Sedation for laceration repair in a child with PDD (human patient simulator, actress) / Video Debriefing
15:00 –15:30Course summary