
This pre-course is offered in a live one-day format on Saturday 12 October, 08:30 – 18:00 at the Congress center in Copenhagen.


  • OBJECTIVES Brief description of course objectives:
  • The goals of this course are:
  • Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (basic) 
  • In this module, designed specifically for emergency physicians, we explore the theoretical and practical aspects of cardiac ultrasound. Participants will learn basic anatomy and views, work on hand-eye coordination, interpret ultrasound findings comparing normal and pathological images, and integrate results into clinical reasoning in time-sensitive pathologies. 
  • Learning objectives: 
  • getting familiar with basic cardiac views and describing the relevant anatomy of every view: subcostal, parasternal long and short axis, apical four, five and two chamber view
  • name different regions of the left ventricular muscle and describe different basic ways to assess the contractility
  • compare and measure chamber size in A4C view
  • assess left ventricular contractility in different views by eyeballing
  • assess the size of the right ventricle and motion of the septum in different views
  • IVC measurement pitfalls and interpretation
  • pericardial effusion and tamponade


  • The major part of the course includes hands on practice on real models and simulators
  • Instructors are worldwide famous, experienced Emergency Physicians
  • Use of advanced ultrasound machines
  • Short, state-of-the-art, presentations of the basic modules
  • Small groups (maximum of 4 participants/instructor)
  • Sufficient time to get familiarized with the machine, hands on scanning, interaction with the instructor
  • Introducing common pathologies, interpretation of abnormal images, case discussion

For who

Emergency Physicians (consultants, trainees, Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant’s)

Educational Material

Online educational material will be provided to the participants in advance


The costs for this course are
€ 350 for physicians
€ 250 for nurses, paramedics, trainees and students

Please register through your MyEUSEM account by clicking on the EUSEM Congress registration button. From the Pre-courses tab you can select the pre-courses you would like to join.



Course Director: Senad Tabakovic, CH Effie Polyzogopoulou, GR

Course co-directors: Effie Polyzogopoulou, GR & Paul Van Overbeeke, NL

  • Faculty TBD
08:30-08:45Welcome and introduction
08:45-09:30Physics-Knobology-Artefacts: The Basics.
Hands on: Get familiar with the machine
09:30-09:45AAA/IVC: Tips & Tricks
09:45-10:30Hands on: Aorta/IVC
10:30-10:45e-FAST: Tips & Tricks
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Hands on: e-FAST
12:45-13:45Lunch Break
13:45-14:00Basic Echocardiography: Tips & Tricks
14:00-14:45Hands on: Echocardiography
14:45-15:00US guided peripheral-central IV line placement: Tips & Tricks
15:00-15:45Hands on: IV lines + practice on phantoms
15:45-16:15Coffee break
16:15-17:00Free practice – bring it all together
17:00-18:00Wrap up
09:15-10:00Image Acquisition and Instrumentation
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-11:45Echo in the ED 
11:45-12:30(eFAST) Examination
13:30-14:00Vascular Access—central and peripheral lines
14:00-14:45Hands-on Session #1
14:45-15:30Hands-on Session #2
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-16:45Hands-on Session #3
16:45-17:00Wrap up and Adjourn
09:15-10:00Image Acquisition and Instrumentation
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-11:45Echo in the ED 
11:45-12:30(eFAST) Examination
13:30-14:00Vascular Access—central and peripheral lines
14:00-14:45Hands-on Session #1
14:45-15:30Hands-on Session #2
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-16:45Hands-on Session #3
16:45-17:00Wrap up and Adjourn