Advanced Paediatric Emergency Care Precourse
Format – on site
This course will be offered on Saturday, 12 October, from 8:30 – 18:00 CEST and Sunday, 13 October, from 09:00 – 12:15 CEST, in Copenhagen.
This course is developed by the Paediatric Branch of the European Society for Emergency Medicine. The branch wants to promote and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge in PEM in Europe and the world through meetings, courses, research, publications, and various clinical activities.
The content of this course will:
The objective of this course is to provide participating physicians with both knowledge and advanced skills in recognizing and managing a wide spectrum of Pediatric Emergencies.

Learning outcomes
For who
Resident/Postgraduate and every physician taking care of sick children.
The course participant should have some experience of working in an environment where ill and injured children of all ages are seen and treated. And willing to discuss management and challenge tutors in small group discussions.
A more detailed programme will be provided later
- Lectures on how to recognise a sever sick child
- Paediatric assessment triangle
- Reel cases and challenging approaches
- Challenging the audience (based on their experiences)
- Providing evidence medicine on specific topics
- Small discussion groups

Educational material
The educational material will be delivered to you in advance.
The costs for this course are:
€ 260 for physicians
€ 180 for nurses, paramedics, trainees and students
Please register through your MyEUSEM account by clicking on the EUSEM Congress registration button. On the pre-course tab you can select the pre-courses you would like to join.
Course Director: Prof Said Hachimi-Idrissi, BE
- Dr Said Hachimi-Idrissi (BE)
- Dr Dave Walker (USA)
- Dr Ruth Farrugia (Malta)
- Dr Carlos Lojo Rial (UK)
- Dr Jabeen Fayyaz (Canada)
- Dr Najib Nasrallah (Israel)
- Dr Roberto Velasco Zuñiga, ES
- Dr Helvia Benito Pastor, ES
Time | Day 1-12 october 2024 |
08:30-09:30 | Introduction/Mentors -Mentees Q&A: PAT and ABCDE approach |
09:30-10:45 | Shortness of breath (Respiratory vs Cardiac) how to recognize, differentiation between Cardiac and respiratory use of Capnography, BNP role? |
10:45 -11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:15 – 12:45 | Ultrasound, versus radiological imaging, pitfalls, indication, Monitoring, treatment |
12:45 – 13:45 | Lunch Break |
13:45-15:45 | Management of respiratory issues, arrest, prearrest Investigation, treatment Hands-on: Non-invasive ventilation (High flow, CPAP, Bipap, mechanical ventilation, etc…) Use of Ultrasound Procedural sedation/ airway management (BVM, orotracheal intubation) |
15:45-16:15 | Coffee Break |
16:15 -17:45 | Management of cardiac issues (congenital cardiopathies and dysthymias) Arrest, per arrest. Resuscitation, fluid, how much, when, how fast? cardioversion/defibrillation Use the Ultrasound. |
17:45-18:00 | Feedback and questions Close & wrap up |
Time | Day 2- 13 October, 2024 |
09:00-10:30 | Distributive shock Recognition, Management, fluid, antibiotics, vasopressors, (what, when and how much?) Vascular access Ultrasound Procedural sedation |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 – 12:00 | Quiz |
12:00-12:15 | Ask any question you want! Feedback and questions Close & wrap up |