Submit your research today and make a real difference in the future of Emergency Medicine!
As a leading scientific organization, EUSEM is dedicated to showcasing the most impactful research in Emergency Medicine, with a special focus on clinical studies that can transform daily practice.
You have two exciting opportunities to present your research—either as an oral presentation in an abstract session or as an e-poster in a poster session. Additionally, some abstracts will be selected for our media program, meaning your research could gain global recognition through news stories.
Important dates
Abstracts submission will open from 15 March until 7 May 2025
Late Breaking Abstracts submission will open from 25 August until 1 September 2025
- Each participant may submit a maximum of three abstracts.
- Each study may have a maximum of three submissions.
- For reports of original research, the data must have not been published in a manuscript or e-publication prior to the first day of conference. Previous publications as abstract or as a presentation in a conference (national or international) is accepted.
- All submitters of accepted abstracts must be registered to the conference to be included in the final program.
- Abstracts must contain original data and meet international ethical standards.
- By submitting an abstract, you confirm that the content of the abstract is free from plagiarism, and that you agree to have your abstract submitted to a plagiarism detection software programme, if needed.
- Each abstract must present distinctly different results. Identical or overly similar abstracts cannot be submitted multiple times by different groups; each submission must be unique and submitted by only one group.
- Copyright, if this abstract is accepted, will be held by the author.
Submission process
Presentation Rules:
• A single person may present up to three presentations.
• The presenter should be the one delivering the presentation.
• If another person must take over for any reason, please notify the abstract committee in advance. The replacement presenter must be a co-author of the study.
Dates of the Abstracts Process:
• Abstract submission unique deadline: 7 May 2025, 21:00 CET
• Decision notifications: 1st week of June 2025
- Click on the Login/Signup button below.
- NOTE: Registration to the congress is not required to submit the abstract.
- If you have trouble accessing your account, please send an email to audrey.martin”at” with a detailed description of the problem.
General information
Submit a Case report
Submit an Image in Emergency Medicine report
Submit a Research abstract
- Your abstract should be submitted in English and must include:
- A title
- A list of authors with their affiliations: Make sure the names, degrees, and affiliations are consistent across all abstracts you submit.
- A designated speaker
- A topic and a list of keywords
The main text of the abstract
Submit a research abstract
Please note: Research abstracts will get priority over Images and Case reports.
The abstract should include:
- Introduction
- The main aim and research question or major tested hypothesis.
- Methods
- Study design, study dates, study setting, Number of participants
- Intervention or exposure
- Outcomes variables
- Statistical methods
- Results
- Outcome of the data
- Statistical analysis
- Conclusions
- The impact to clinical practice
- Trial registration
- Funding
- Ethical approval and informed consent
- Your title must be as short as possible.
- The title should succinctly summarize the abstract and include major keywords, incorporating the study design (e.g., survey, observational, trial, systematic review).
- The title should be written in lowercase, with an initial capital letter. Use capital and lower-case letters as appropriate for abbreviations in title (e.g. mRNA).
- Trade names should not be mentioned in the title. However, trade names in brackets will be accepted in the body of the text.
- Avoid using small capitals or all capitals in the title.
- Avoid using asterisks or notes in the title.
- Do not use any abbreviations; spell out every word in the title.
Please create the list of authors using the “Create a New Author” form.
Once created, you may add authors and select a speaker.
The speaker must be either the individual designated for the Oral Presentation or the person responsible for the E-Poster.
The speaker must be registered for the congress.
Abstract Text
- Ensure your abstract does not exceed 300 words.
- We recommend using a text editor such as Word or TextEdit. You can use any font, as the text will be automatically formatted upon submission.
- We strongly advise against the use of Greek letters; please use their plain text counterparts (e.g., “Delta” instead of “Δ”).
- Avoid using bullet lists in your abstract.
- Do not include bibliographic references in the abstract text.
- If abbreviations are used, spell out the full name when first mentioned, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
- You may include either one table or one image. (Reworded for clarity)
- A maximum of 2 references can be included in the body of the text (e.g. Jones, R.A. et al. Science 1986; 67:24-30). Abbreviations should be defined.
Validation and submission process
Abstracts are initially registered under “Draft” status. You will receive an email confirmation verifying your abstract’s registration and draft status. If you do not receive this confirmation email within 48 hours, please contact us.
When your abstract is in draft form, you may return to your account to make amendments or submit the final version at any time. You must submit the final version before the deadline.
Once you click SUBMIT, your abstract’s status will change to “Submitted”, and you will receive a confirmation email. Only abstracts with a “Submitted” status will be forwarded to the Abstract Committee for review.
Abstract Publication
The European Journal of Emergency Medicine (EJEM) will publish the top 10 abstracts that receive the highest review scores. Abstracts will be considered for publication in our journal only if the author is registered for the meeting.
Top Three Scoring Abstracts will be presented during the award ceremony.
Abstract Selection
Authors will be notified in first week of June on the selection of their abstracts. Abstracts can be selected for the following categories: